The Essential Handbook for GP Training and Education

  • ISBN 9781846195938
  • Author: Mehay, Ramesh
  • Publ Date: 2012-03-15
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

Sale: $140.87
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The much anticipated practical educational manual for trainers, programme directors and other educators in primary care has finally arrived! This extensive, full-colour guide is written by a select group of hands-on educators who are passionate and knowledgeable. The book captures their wisdom and vast experience in an accessible and practical way. Beautifully presented, the chapters cover a wide educational framework employing a variety of presentational methods such as flowcharts, diagrams, conversational pieces, scenarios and anecdotes. For more detailed information, further reading and practical tools to aid implementation, each chapter has a corresponding webpage containing over 300 additional resources. Specifically designed for General Practitioner Trainers, Training Programme Directors, Associate Programme Directors, Associate Postgraduate Deans and Postgraduate Deans world-wide, The Essential Handbook for GP Training and Education adopts a relaxed, personable approach to primary care education that won't leave you with a headache.
General Practitioner Appraisers, Foundation Year Trainers and all medical and nursing student educators, too, will find the detailed, comprehensive explorations inspirational.
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