• ISBN 9780702067051
  • Author: Page, Gould
  • Publ Date: 2021-11-22
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Since it was first published in 1958, Trounce's Clinical Pharmacology has been the go-to resource for health professionals who prescribe as well as administer medications. Now in its nineteenth edition, the text has been fully updated to reflect the breadth and complexity of modern practice.

The book provides everything the reader needs to know when becoming a prescriber. The text is organised by body system, making it easy to follow, and covers considerations for different patient categories as well as the management of pain, cancer and infection, substance abuse and complementary and alternative medicines.

With a strong clinical orientation and written by practising clinicians, essential information is delivered in an engaging and friendly style that will ensure this book's continued popularity with nurses and allied health professionals for many years to come.

Easy navigation makes learning enjoyable
Hot topics including cardiology, rheumatology and the use of targeted therapies in cancer keep the reader up to date
Learning Objectives, Summary Boxes, Revision Tips and Hints make this suitable for exam preparation
Updated to include discussion of the expanding role of professionals in prescribing drugs and latest changes in legislation and guidelines
Extensive glossary for those new to prescribing
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