Primary Care 6E

  • ISBN 9780323570152
  • Author: Buttaro,Trybulski,Polgar-Bailey
  • Publ Date: 2020-02-28
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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There's no better preparation for Nurse Practitioners and others in the adult primary care field! Primary Care: Interprofessional Collaborative Practice, 6th Edition provides the concise yet thorough information that you need in today's fast-paced, interprofessional, collaborative environment. With authorship reflecting both academic and clinical expertise, this comprehensive, evidence-based primary care text/reference shows you how to deliver effective, truly interdisciplinary health care. It covers every major adult disorder seen in the outpatient office setting and features a unique interprofessional collaborative approach with referral/consultation highlights and more. New to this edition is an increased emphasis on rationales for recommendations, pharmacotherapeutics and drug decision-making, and diagnostic direction providing guidance in management, prescribing medications, and ordering diagnostic tests.

Comprehensive, evidence-based, accurate, and current content focused on the needs of adult primary care providers.
UNIQUE! Interprofessional collaborative approach with referral/consultation highlights.
UNIQUE! Initial Diagnostics boxes provide quick reference to key decision-making content.
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