Practical Neurophysics The Physics and Engineering of Neurology

  • ISBN 9780197578148
  • Author: MISULIS
  • Publ Date: 2023-07-24
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Practical Neurophysics: The Physics and Engineering of Neurology explores and explains the physical foundations of neurology with a principal focus on the technologies that we use for diagnosis and management. The physics of biologic systems is also discussed, in the context of interfacing with our technologies and the mechanisms behind abnormalities. With sections on ultrasound, advanced laboratory tests, and neurotherapeutics, this is a unique book that
focuses on the science and engineering rather than on disease processes. This book is intended to give the reader an appreciation of the mechanisms behind our technology and how humans and machines interface.
The spectrum of presented information ranges from basic atomic physics to electronics to mechanisms of abnormalities on MRI and EEG. With this book, the reader should have a better understanding of the mechanisms of the technologies we use as well as an understanding of how normal and pathological functioning produces findings we can record.
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