Pharmacy Practice 6e

  • ISBN 9780702074301
  • Author: Watson, Cogan
  • Publ Date: 2019-08-12
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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The sixth edition of PharmacyPractice brings the contents completely up to date, reflecting emerging new roles for pharmacists both within the traditional employment areas of hospital and community pharmacy, as well as other developing roles supporting the public health agenda, governance, risk management, prescribing and pharmaco-economics.

Each chapter begins with Study Points and ends with Key Points to reinforce learning.
Appendices include medical abbreviations, Latin terms and abbreviations, systems of weights and measurements and presentation skills.
Some chapters also carry self-assessment questions for more complex areas of pharmaceutical practice.

New editor on the team, Louise Cogan.

Many new contributors, comprising practising pharmacists, teachers of pharmacy, and pharmacists with joint appointments between hospital/community pharmacy and universities.

Now with companion e-book included on StudentConsult

New chapters on

History Taking/ Gathering Information
Advice giving and the pharmacist as a Health Trainer
Using calculations in pharmacy practice
Continuing professional development and revalidation
Intra and inter professional working, The role of the pharmacist in medicines optimization
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