Pharmacology Online for Pharmacology 10E

  • ISBN 9780323674041
  • Author: DiMaggio,Yeager,Winton
  • Publ Date: 2020-06-18
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Electronic book text

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Improve your understanding of nursing pharmacology with Pharmacology Online, 10th Edition. Corresponding to Pharmacology: A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach, 10th Edition, this online course features a collection of interactive, self-paced learning modules that makes it easier to learn everything from basic principles to dosage calculation, drug administration, and more - all within context of the nursing process. These self-study modules feature true-to-life case studies, videos, animations, NCLEX(R) Examination-style quizzes, and more to help you understand how drugs work and how to administer them safely in the clinical setting.

21 self-study modules provide a thorough review of the basic principles of pharmacology, drug dosage calculations, and several major drug content areas using a combination of media.
25 animations foster easier learning of difficult pharmacology topics.
Audio glossary presents a definition and an audio pronunciation for more than 1,400 terms and drug names.
UNIQUE! 16 Roadside Assistance video clips use humor and analogy to bring difficult content to life.
Case studies with corresponding quizzes use true-to-life clinical scenarios to promote "learning by doing" in the safety of a virtual clinical setting.
Interactive learning activities provide review of critical drug content in a game-like activity format.
Practice quizzes for the NCLEX examination feature approximately 500 self-scoring questions with rationales.
Discussion questions develop students' knowledge of clinical practice by asking students to apply their learning to scenarios like those they will encounter in practice.

NEW! Updated online drug handbook reflects the content of Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2020 and provides hands-on practice consulting with an up-to-date drug reference for clinical decision-making.
NEW! Updated content matches the chapters in Pharmacology: A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach, 10th Edition, and reflects major new drugs, new drug classes, new therapeutic uses, and discontinued drugs.
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