Passion for Work

  • ISBN 9780190648626
  • Author: VALLERAND
  • Publ Date: 2019-07-17
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Passion is a pervasive concept in the work domain. Workers aspire to be passionate in the hope of finding meaning and satisfaction from their professional life, while employers dream of passionate employees who will ensure organizational performance. Does passion for work matter ? Does passion invariably bring about the anticipated positive outcomes or is there a darker side to passion for work that can also lead to negative outcomes for individuals and
organizations? The goal of this book is to address these issues.This volume reviews major theories of work passion, focusing specifically on the dominant theory: the Dualistic Model of
Passion. This theory distinguishes between two types of passion-harmonious and obsessive- and their associated determinants and consequences. This volume provides a comprehensive understanding of passion for work by addressing the origin of the concept and its theoretical issues: how can passion for work be developed, what are the consequences to be expected at the individual and organizational levels, and how can passion for work shed new light on contemporary issues in the workplace.
Passion for Work: Theory, Research, and Applications synthesizes a vast body of existing research in the area, provides insights into new and exciting research avenues, and explores how passion for work can be
cultivated in work settings in order to fulfill both workers' and employers' hopes for a productive and satisfying work life.
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