Parkinson's Disease Treatment Guide for Physicians

  • ISBN 9780195371772
  • Author: AHLSKOG
  • Publ Date: 2009-04-30
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Roughly 1.9 million people are afflicted with Parkinson's disease and, according to the Parkinson's Disease Foundation, that number is on the rise! Parkinson's Disease Treatment Guide for Physicians will comprehensively cover Parkinson's disease (PD), including diagnosis, testing, prognosis, and possible causes. Its primary focus will be on treatment, specifying appropriate drugs, doses, and common side effects. It will address not
only the treatment of motor problems (tremor, gait, etc.), but everything else that routinely arises in a PD practice, including osteoporosis prevention, blood pressure, sexual, bowel, or bladder dysfunction,
dementia, depression, common skin rashes, and more. This book will mirror Dr. Ahlskog's earlier book, The Parkinson's Treatment Book: Partnering with Your Doctor to Get the Most from Your Medications (2005). Each chapter in the current book will follow the same outline and cover nearly the same material as in each chapter of the earlier patient book, but it will be more succint and direct, with many teaching points summarized wtih bullet points or in small
tables. In effect, the clinician and patient can both be reading, or have read, the same material.
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