Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties 11e and Oxford Assess and Progress

  • ISBN 9780192896957
  • Author: BALDWIN
  • Publ Date: 2021-04-29
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Multiple copy pack

Sale: $93.92
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This pack brings together two essential texts on the clinical specialties, covering all core topics for a value-for-money price.Updated with the latest advice and clinical guidelines, packed full of high-quality illustrations, boxes, tables, and classifications, and with a brand new chapter on how to survive your junior doctor years and beyond, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties is ideal for both study and use at direct point
of care. Each chapter is clear and concise and filled with medical gems, with features including ribbons to mark your most-used pages and mnemonics to help you memorize and retain key facts. With reassuring and
friendly advice throughout, this is the ultimate guide and revision tool for every medical student and junior doctor for each clinical specialty placement. Accompanying this resource is the fourth edition of Oxford Assess and Progress: Clinical Specialties which features over 400 Single Best Answer questions that are mapped to the medical school curricula. Packed with questions written by experienced doctors in each specialty, and rooted in real-life clinical
encounters, this revision tool is an authoritative guide for students. Further reading resources and cross-references to the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties have been fully updated to expand your revision
further on topics you find challenging.
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