Nurs Key Topics Rev:Fluids amp; Electrolyte

  • ISBN 9780323594448
  • Author: Elsevier
  • Publ Date: 2019-05-10
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Electronic book text

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Looking for a way to master fluids and electrolytes in the most time-efficient way possible? Instead of relying on overwhelming textbooks, turn to the focused review option that was designed for the specific study needs of today's nursing students. Nursing Key Topics Review: Fluids & Electrolytes covers only the most important and relevant information on fluids and electrolytes and organizes it into bulleted summary lists, illustrations, and tables to make the information easier to digest and remember. NCLEX-style review questions are also interspersed throughout the material to further focus your attention on the most important concepts and test your mastery. It's everything about fluids and electrolytes you need to know. And nothing you don't!

Mobile web app with audio review content enables you to review on the go.
Format based on student input ensures the review guide fits the needs of today's busy students.
NCLEX-style review questions with answers and rationales are infused throughout the guide to assess your retention and understanding of material.
Emphasis on critical, practical, and relevant information reduces overall study time.
Tables and illustrations further enhance your learning and retention.
Bulleted content helps you cover more information in a shorter amount of time.
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