Munro Kerr's Operative Obstetrics 13e

  • ISBN 9780702076350
  • Author: Arulkumaran
  • Publ Date: 2019-12-16
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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This is a highly illustrated, practical book covering the obstetric and surgical procedures used in intrapartum care, including commonly used procedures and more rare techniques.

The authors take a step-by-step approach to each technique and includes 'tips' and 'pointers', whilst contextualising this with the history of obstetric practice.

Authoritative, world-known editors and author team.
Presents a contemporary and pragmatic summary ofrecent developments in operative obstetrics.
Contextualises practice in the history of obstetric practice.
Accurate line drawings throughout clearly demonstrating relevant procedures and equipment.
Advice and management for obstetricians working in resource-limited areas

New chapter to cover labour and delivery in high-BMI women
Extensive coverage of Caesarean section to reflect current critical thinking
New chapters exploring assisted vaginal delivery in greater depth
Management areas and guidelines fully updated (e.g. for fetal monitoring in labour).
Covers significant new research, e.g. the WOMAN trial.
New editor, Michael Robson
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