Mosby's Txtbk for Nursing Assistants 10E

  • ISBN 9780323763653
  • Author: Sorrentino,Remmert
  • Publ Date: 2020-03-31
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

Sale: $159.62
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Known for its comprehensive coverage, readability, and visual presentation, Mosby's Textbook for Nursing Assistants, 10th Edition helps prepare you to work in long-term care, acute care, and subacute care settings - and includes a practice scenario in each chapter to enhance clinical judgment skills. It is the most comprehensive text for CNA programs, packed with step-by-step instructions for over 100 procedures and perfect for programs that are 80 hours or longer. The lifespan coverage includes skills not only for adults and older residents, but also for maternity and pediatric patients, so you are comfortable in a variety of care settings. New chapter organization allows you to learn in manageable portions and a revitalized art program clarifies important concepts and procedural steps.
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