Mental Health and Care Homes

  • ISBN 9780199593637
  • Author: DENING
  • Publ Date: 2011-05-26
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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The care home sector is large, with over 400 000 residents in the UK and a similar number employed within the homes. It is therefore an area of considerable economic importance. Care home residents are often very old, and many have multiple physical and mental health needs, meaning that their care poses particular challenges. They are also a distinctly and profoundly marginalised group who are often invisible in the wider debates on quality of care including those about care homes. Mental Health and Care Homes is a coherent and evidence-based text exploring these issues. Bringing together both clinical and research perspectives it will help those working in the care home sector to deliver high quality care and support to both residents and staff. This important, yet neglected, area is thoroughly reviewed by a range of experts including residents, family carers, staff, researchers, and clinicians. The book has four sections: 'the inside view' which includes several first-hand accounts of care home life; 'the outside view' which discusses the regulatory, funding, and legislative context in which care homes operate; 'mental health and care', a detailed review of the major mental and other health issues that arise in care homes, as well as interventions and services to offer support; and a section exploring the 'promotion of health and wellbeing' including examples of good practice. It concludes by synthesising key themes and setting an agenda for further enquiry. The book is written in a style that encourages engagement, with the inclusion of contemporary case studies and examples, making it topical and readable. It will be valuable for a broad professional and vocational audience across both health and social care, as well as students and researchers.

Readership: Workers in the care home sector or those involved in guiding admission decisions and/or advising on care quality; Social care /health students especially, nursing/psychiatric nursing students; Doctors with significant responsibilities for older patients: Geriatricians, old age psychiatrists, GPs, palliative care specialists
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