Medical Generalism, Now!: Reclaiming the Knowledge Work of Modern Practice

  • ISBN 9781032285290
  • Author: Reeve, Joanne (Hull York Medical School, UK)
  • Publ Date: 2023-10-13
  • Edition: 1
  • Binding: Hardback

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* Seeks to catalyse a new era of healthcare practice and delivery as the first book to explicitly address how we can achieve the current professional, practice and policy priority to strengthen generalist health care * Provoked and inspired by the voices of the clinicians wanting to work differently, the patients needing different care, and the policy makers recognizing that more of the same won't do * Addresses the needs expressed by professionals for new models of practice to support the complex and changing needs of patients * Supports managers looking to design new and sustainable models of practice * Guides policy makers seeking a change in service direction to meet changing needs
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