Mayo Clinic Neurology Board Review SET

  • ISBN 9780190244897
  • Author: FLEMMING
  • Publ Date: 2015-08-11
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Multiple copy pack

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This printed set of "Mayo Clinic Neurology Board Review: Basic Sciences and Psychiatry for Initial Certification" and "Mayo Clinic Neurology Board Review: Clinical Neurology for Initial Certification and MOC" comes with a year's access to the online version on Oxford Medicine Online. By activating your unique access code, you can read and annotate the full text online, follow links from the references to primary research materials, and view, enlarge and
download all the figures and tables.This two-volume, comprehensive board review guide will aid in the preparation for the neurology board certification and re-certification exams.
These two volumes are divided into the basic sciences in "Part 1" and clinical neurology in "Part 2". Each volume has multiple chapters, numerous four-color illustrations, as well as neuroimaging, neuropathology, and other pictures throughout the. Text boxes highlight high yield information and board type questions conclude each section.This set eliminates the need for obtaining multiple resources to study for the neurology board examination by providing high-yield information
emphasized to highlight key facts.In addition to those people preparing to take, or recertify for, the neurology boards, it will also be useful to medical students and residents
rotating through neurology or for the generalist with an interest in reviewing neurology.
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