Living with Ageing and Dying

  • ISBN 9780199569939
  • Author: GOTT
  • Publ Date: 2011-05-30
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Ageing populations mean that palliative and end of life care for older people must assume greater priority. Indeed, there is an urgent need to improve the experiences of older people at the end of life, given that they have been identified as the 'disadvantaged dying'. To date, models of care are underpinned by the ideals of specialist palliative care which were developed to meet the needs of predominantly middle-aged and 'young old' people, and evidence suggests
these may not be adequate for the older population group. This book identifies ways forward for improving the end of life experiences of older people by taking an interdisciplinary
and international approach. Providing a synergy between the currently disparate literature of gerontology and palliative care, a wide range of leading international experts contribute to discussions regarding priority areas in relation to ageing and end of life care. Some authors take a theoretical focus, others a very practical approach rooted in their clinical and research experience. The issues covered are diverse, as are the countries in which discussions are contextualised. Those working
in both palliative care and gerontology will find the issues and advice discussed in this book hugely topical and of real practical value.
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