Immunotherapies for Allergic Disease

  • ISBN 9780323544276
  • Author: Cox
  • Publ Date: 2019-11-20
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Get a quick, expert overview of the use of current and novel immunotherapies for use in the management and treatment of allergic reactions and diseases. This concise resource by Dr. Linda Cox covers the full range of allergic disease, including aeroallergens, asthma, food allergies, atopic dermatitis, and stinging insects. With essential coverage of allergen immunotherapies in addition to key topics on emerging allergen-associated immunomodulators, this succinct, comprehensive reference consolidates today's available information on this timely topic into a single convenient resource.

Discusses timely topics such as food tolerance, allergy, and allergen unresponsiveness; biologics for COPD and pediatric asthma; and adherence and pharmacoeconomics.
Summarizes practical guidelines and recommendations for use of immunotherapies in clinical practice.
Provides insight into the background and history of immunotherapies as a treatment for allergic disease.
Includes developments on the horizon, including alternative immunotherapy routes and modified allergens.
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