Health Care Technology and Its Assessment

  • ISBN 9780192622976
  • Author: BANTA
  • Publ Date: 1993-08-19
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Since 1945, a broad array of health care technologies have come into use, including antibiotics, anti-hypertensive drugs, oral diuretics, oral contraceptives, psycho-pharmaceuticals, corticosteroids, vaccines, open-heart surgery, genetics screening, automated clinical laboratories, renal dialysis and cardiac medicine. These technologies have brought benefits to millions. However, as costs of health care have risen rapidly, governments have increasingly singled out expensive technology as the culprit. The result has been changes in the methods of paying for health care in most countries to control cost rises. This has led to a slowing of technological change in some countries and increasing the necessity to choose in all countries. Many policy-makers are now beginning to say "no", "maybe" or "yes with all speed", depending on the expected benefits of the technology. An important method of steering these responses to technology is technology assessment, in which benefits, costs and social implications of technology are evaluated.
While this book presents an international perspective on health care technology's development and diffusion, the main message of the book is that health care technology can assist in difficult choices in health care, whether these choices are made by policy-makers, clinicians or patients.
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