HB of Nitrous Oxide amp; Oxygen Sedation 5e

  • ISBN 9780323567428
  • Author: Clark, Brunick
  • Publ Date: 2019-06-13
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

Sale: $108.75
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The only product of its kind focused specifically on nitrous oxide and oxygen sedation (N2O/O2), Handbook of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Sedation, 5th Edition, is ideal in educational and clinical settings. This portable text features a user-friendly outline format that is easy to digest, along with summary tables and boxes, clear illustrations, step-by-step techniques with photos, and review questions and critical thinking exercises - right when and where you need it. The 5th edition of this chairside reference includes new content on industry best practices along with efficacy in comparison to other methods of sedation. Now with new and updated artwork, this unique text continues to be the resource for students, instructors, and practitioners alike.

UNIQUE! Coverage of the latest in N2O/O2 sedation ensures that you are up to date on current issues, techniques, and equipment.
Comprehensive coverage with the convenience and portability of a handbook equips a dental team member with all the background, technique, recovery, and additional information necessary to administer and monitor N2O/O2 sedation.
Easy-to-use presentation utilizes a standard outline style that facilitates knowledge acquisition and provides a quick reference for consultation or chairside reference.
Step-by-step techniques equip you with detailed guidance on how to best perform techniques to help you gain confidence and easily review procedures.
End-of-chapter review questions and answers support your educational needs when preparing for board and clinical exams.
FAQs supplied in an entire chapter devoted to commonly asked questions and answers regarding N2O/O2 sedation offers an excellent resource for patient education.
Patient forms and samples offer easy-to-understand samples that support visual learners and serve as useful review and
Expert multidisciplinary author team encompasses a breadth of experience in practice and a passion for education, ensuring you are learning the best content from the best teachers.

NEW! Content covering best practices includes pediatrics and labor, patient and operator safety, and efficacy in comparison to other sedation methods.
NEW! Mock exam featuring 75 multiple-choice questions helps you prepare for the classroom and boards.
NEW! Artwork, including photos of the latest equipment and clinical techniques enhances your learning experience.
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