Guide to Education and Training for Primary Care

  • ISBN 9780192632937
  • Author: CARTER
  • Publ Date: 2001-12-20
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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"For patients, good quality primary healthcare is of fundamental importance. In order to provide quality care education and training is paramount to professionals in primary care. Yvonne Carter and Neil Jackson have brought together a group of well-known practitioners to help them give an up to date and comprehensive overview of education and training in primary care. Readers will find much here which will help them chart the way forward in their own practice teams in ways which should lead to good results for patients and that enhanced professionalism in practitioners so crucial to their satisfaction and morals." - From the foreword by Sir Donald Irvine. With the advent of PCGs/PCTs and a huge government programme of primary care development comes a great need to understand the education and training system, and its relation to other systems in the NHS, ie. service provision and research and development - a 'three systems approach'. The book encourages and facilitates strategic thinking and planning in relation to education and training at various levels including organisation, team and individual healthcare professional.
The Guide to Education and Training in Primary Care contains up to date information on educational concepts and practice for the benefit of all healthcare professionals in primary care and the wider NHS. The book covers a range of issues paramount to education and training including clinical governance, quality and audit, research methods, clinical effectiveness and evidence-based primary care. A chapter devoted to learning from patients and coverarge of the interface between primary and secondary care make this book a unique and valuable resource for all in primary care. About the Editors: Professor Yvonne Carter is Professor of General Practice and Primary Care and Head of Department at Barts and the London, Queen Mary's School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of London. She is editor of many books and is committed to increasing the research capacity in primary care and is particularly interested in the accreditation of research practices and the development of primary care research networks; Dr Neil Jackson is Dean of Postgraduate General Practice London Deanery, University of London.
He is currently advising the Governments of Georgia and Uzbekistan to develop systems of Primary Care, a network of GP trainers and Family medicine Training programme in collaboration with the Department for International Development and Imperial College, London.
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