Developing Clinical Judgment

  • ISBN 9780323718585
  • Author: Ignatavicius
  • Publ Date: 2020-05-28
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Get ready to pass the Next-Generation NCLEX (R) Examination (NGN) on your first try with Developing Clinical Judgment for Professional Nursing and the Next-Generation NCLEX-RN (R) Examination. Written by renowned nursing education expert Donna D. Ignatavicius and a team of expert item writers, this practical workbook is the only book on the market focused exclusively on developing the clinical reasoning skills you need for success on the NGN and in clinical practice. This collection of engaging and practical thinking exercises has been carefully developed to incorporate the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) Clinical Judgment Model (CJM) and to emphasize the new item types that will be integral to the NGN. Exercises range from basic to more complex and address all specialty areas to fully prepare you for all facets of the exam. In all, this "next-generation" workbook will become your invaluable companion throughout nursing school, helping you grow your clinical reasoning skills to match what's expected on the new NGN and as a practicing nurse!

This one-of-a-kind workbook dedicated to developing clinical judgment skills helps prepare you for the Next-Generation NCLEX (R) Exam (NGN) through practical thinking exercises in which you will apply the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) Clinical Judgment Model (CJM).
A comprehensive collection of carefully developed clinical reasoning exercises range from basic to more complex and address all specialty areas.
Answer key with robust rationales to remediate learning follows at the end of the book.
Six-part organization guides you through the entire NGN test plan.
Answer questions in the book itself or on a companion Evolve website for automated scoring and remediation.
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