Bandolier's Little Book of Pain

  • ISBN 9780198705192
  • Author: MOORE
  • Publ Date: 2013-11-13
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

Sale: $117.39
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Acute and chronic pain places a huge burden on our society. Approximately 10% of the population in Western countries report suffering from chronic pain, and both chronic and acute pain are responsible for high absenteeism in the workplace. It is therefore crucial that we have effective ways of treating pain. Unfortunately though, we have no objective measures of pain - no blood tests, no urine dipsticks. We have to rely on what the patient tells us. So how then do
we know what are and what are not effective pain treatments? It is here that the principles of evidence-based medicine have been of great value - helping us to understand the most effective forms of
pain treatment. Bandolier's Little Book of Pain is a unique portable guide to evidence-based pain treatments. For each possible treatment, the book provides the evidence supporting the efficacy of the treatment, along with a clinical bottom line, for those requiring immediate information. Written by world leaders in the field of evidence-based pain treatments, the book will be indispensable for the multi-disciplinary professionals managing acute and chronic pain
in primary and secondary care.
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