A Social History of Medicines in the Twentieth Century

  • ISBN 9780789018458
  • Author: Crellin, John K.
  • Publ Date: 2004-04-22
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Get a fresh perspective on the day-to-day use of medicine!

A Social History of Medicines in the Twentieth Century explores the most perplexing issues concerning the uses of prescriptions and other medicines on both sides of the Atlantic. The book equips you with a thorough understanding of the everyday use of medicine in the United States, Canada, and Britain, concentrating on its recent past. Dr. John K. Crellin, author of several influential books on the history of medicine and pharmacy, addresses vital topics such as: the emergence of prescription-only medicines; gate-keeping roles for pharmacists; the role of the drugstore; and the rise of alternative medicines.

A Social History of Medicines in the Twentieth Century adds the historical perspective missing from most medical and pharmaceutical literature about trends in the day-to-day use of medicines in society. The book is essential reading for anyone taking regular medication, either as self-care or by a physician's prescription. Topics discussed include the non-scientific factors that validate medicines, the relevance of the control of narcotics, marketing strategies used by the pharmaceutical industry, the changing authority of physicians and pharmacists, over-the-counter medicines, tonics and sedatives, and patient complianceand non-compliance.

A Social History of Medicines in the Twentieth Century also addresses:

medicines for weakness (health foods, fortifiers, digestives/laxatives)
poison and pharmacy legislation
tranquilizers and antidepressants
psychoactive medications
herbal medicines
a brief history of the use of medicines from the 17th to 19th centuries
suggestions for future policies
and much more!

A Social History of Medicines in the Twentieth Century is equally vital as a professional resource for physicians, pharmacists, and health care administrators, as a classroom guide for academics working in the medical and pharmaceutical fields, and as a resource for patients.
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