Health Policy and Ethics

  • ISBN 9781846193101
  • Author: Worthington, Roger ; Ro
  • Publ Date: 1960-01-01
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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This book demonstrates the utility of healthcare law policy and professional standards in analysing the ethical issues that arise in the provision of health services. Rejecting moral absolutes its examination of health law policy and professional standards and of how societies codify beliefs is pertinent to ethical analysis - and also offers the possibility of practical solutions to healthcare challenges across the globe. Comparing and contrasting ethical and policy issues from countries around the world (with a focus on Asia Europe and the USA) this book addresses such issues as conflict of interest the balance between healthcare quality and cost and the effect of geography and demographics on access to healthcare. Critique and discussion are tempered with suggestions for the evaluation of policy and systems; its pragmatic approach suggests how theory can and should inform practice. Health Policy and Ethics offers refreshing reading for professionals and academics in healthcare medical ethics and policy. Researchers and students with an interest in healthcare delivery comparative healthcare policy analysis and health and human rights will also find much of interest.
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