Ethical Competence in Nursing Practice: Competencies, Skills, Decision-Making

  • ISBN 9780826126375
  • Author: Robichaux, Catherine
  • Publ Date: 2016-09-30
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Designed specifically for the educational needs of RN to BSN and RN to MSN students

This is a unique, innovative professional nursing ethics textbook designed specifically for the educational needs of RN to BSN, RN to MSN, as well as BSN and MSN students. Written by experts in the field, it discusses ethical concepts relevant to the registered nurse who has spent several years in practice but is learning high-level concepts and applications. This text addresses different areas of professional practice and is rich with case studies illustrating the need for ethical competence and decision-making. The book fulfills the necessary criteria for the AACN Essentials for Baccalaureate Education and the QSEN and ISOM competencies. It also integrates relevant provisions and statements from the revised Code of Ethics for Nurses (2015).

Clear and concise, the text relates content to the nurse's current practice and introduces a framework for the development of ethical competence from recognition of an ethical situation to implementation of a justifiable action. A decision-making model that includes elements of care and virtue ethics is also included. Essential communication and conflict skills are addressed in addition to the role of the ethics committee and ethics consultation. The book discusses common ethical issues likely to be encountered, how to recognize and address moral distress, and ethical practice as it relates to research, quality and safety. Case Studies that incorporate evidence-informed research provide the opportunity to develop ethical skills and apply decision-making principles. Relevant QSEN competencies and provisions and statements from the revised Code of Ethics (2015) are featured in each chapter. Interactive exercises and questions and PowerPoints provide further opportunity for critical thinking.

Key Features:

Addresses the specific needs of students in the RN to BSN, and RN to MSN courses
Fulfills AACN Essentials, IOM Competencies, and QSEN KSAs
Integrates relevant provisions and statements from the revised Code of Ethics (2015)
Builds upon previous practice experience of RN to BSN students
Discusses ethical competence in a variety of practice environments
Includes Case Studies to apply ethical competencies
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