Medical and Surgical Emergencies for Students and Junior Doctors

Medical and Surgical Emergencies for Students and Junior Doctors
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  • ISBN 9781846195037
  • Author: Hill, Faye ; Noor, Sash
  • Publ Date: 2013-12-17
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback

Sale: $70.43
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Lack of exposure and patient management during undergraduate and early postgraduate training often means both students and junior doctors can have difficulty managing acute medical and surgical situations. This pocketbook provides comprehensive coverage of the common medical and surgical emergencies encountered by medical students and junior doctors. It outlines possible symptoms, signs, differentials, investigations and management in a succinct, easy to comprehend format. By focusing on evidence-based practice, the guide provides the most up-to-date and clinically relevant guide for today's practice, ideal for quick reference on the wards.
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