Emergency Medicine Decision Making: Critical Issues in Chaotic Environments

  • ISBN 9780071442121
  • Author: Weingart, Scott
  • Publ Date: 2006-01-01
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback

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Evidence-Based Emergency Medicine, a highly readable primer, will be the first book to teach EBM principles and their clinical application with the unique mindset and needs of the Emergency Medicine physician in mind

This one-of-a-kind guide discusses the search, evaluation, and proper use of the literature of emergency medicine, from textbooks to trials and qualitative studies to systematic reviews. It reveals how and where to find the quality information needed when seconds count. Fully exploring medical decision making using cognitive psychology, Bayesian analysis and more, it shows how to apply the knowledge they provide to achieve superior diagnosis and management of ED patients. The avoidance of medical errors is emphasized through the precepts of critical thinking and heuristics.
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