Emergency Imaging: A Practical Guide

  • ISBN 9781604067422
  • Author: Baxter, Alexander B
  • Publ Date: 2015-07-15
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback

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A comprehensive introduction to the clinical radiology of trauma and acute diseases, Emergency Imaging: A Practical Guide helps readers acquire the image interpretation skills necessary to care for patients with emergent conditions. This book is organized by anatomic region, and each of the eight sections has an introduction that includes an analytical approach and checklist, important anatomy, imaging techniques, and key differential diagnoses. Key Features: * More than 1700 high-quality images * Concise discussions of 232 important traumatic and emergent conditions * A format optimized for self-study and review, with illustrations and explanatory text on facing pages Tailored to the needs of radiology and emergency medicine residents, senior medical students, and all clinicians who care for emergency patients, this book is an indispensable practical reference. Medlantis gives you direct access to Thieme eRadiology, a treasure trove of reference material on diagnostic and interventional radiology. For a free trial, go to: http://thieme.medlantis.org/trial.
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