Disaster Health Management: A Primer for Students and Practitioners

  • ISBN 9781138911185
  • Author: Fitzgerald, Gerry
  • Publ Date: 2016-09-14
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Disaster health is an emerging field that focuses on developing prevention, preparation, response and recovery systems for dealing with health problems that result from a disaster. As disasters worldwide differ in their nature, scope and cultural context, a thorough understanding of the fundamental tenets of sound disaster health management is essential for both students and practitioners to participate confidently and effectively in the field.

Disaster Health Management is the first comprehensive textbook to provide a standard guide to terminology and management systems across the entire spectrum of disaster health. Authored by experienced educators, researchers and practitioners in disaster health management, this textbook provides an authoritative overview of:

The conceptual basis for disaster management

Systems and structures for disaster management

Managing disasters through the continuum of preparedness, response and recovery

The variations associated with both natural and technological disasters

The strategic considerations associated with leadership, research, education and future directions.

Using Australasian systems and structures as examples of generic principles which will find application globally, Disaster Health Management is an essential text for both undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as for professionals involved in all aspects of disaster management.
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