Accident & Emergency: Theory into Practice 3rd Edition

  • ISBN 9780702043154
  • Author: Dolan, Brian
  • Publ Date: 2013-04-19
  • Edition: 3
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Accident & Emergency: Theory into Practice is the comprehensive textbook for emergency nurses, covering the full range of emergency care issues, including trauma management and trauma care, the lifespan, psychological issues, physiology for practice, practice and professional issues. This book is about more than what a nurse should do; it is about why it should be done, leading to sustainable and safer practice.

The third edition of this ever-popular text expands its horizons to include contributions from emergency care professionals in New Zealand, Australia and the Republic of Ireland, as well as the United Kingdom.

Applied anatomy and physiology and how it changes in injury and ill health
Treatment and management of a wide range of emergency conditions
Includes emergency care across the life continuum, trauma management, psychological dimensions and practice and professional issues.

'Transportation of the critically ill patient' chapter outlines the nursing and operational considerations related to transportation of the acutely ill person.

'Creating patient flow' chapter overviews the concepts behind patient flow across the wider health system and introduces the key concept of staff and patient time. It explores some of the techniques used in manufacturing and service industries and its application to health system, illustrating how to reduce the waste of patient and staff time.

'Managing issues of culture and power in ED' chapter demonstrates that cultural awareness is about much more than recognising the different religious needs of patients and their families; it's also about recognising culture, diversity, stereotyping and expressions of power.

Updated to reflect the latest practice and guidelines in this fast-changing field of practice.
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