Venous Insufficiency

  • ISBN 9781260461268
  • Author: Phillips, Raymond E.
  • Publ Date: 2020-08-10
  • Edition: 1
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Venous insufficiency is a common cause of restricted activity, early retirement, and prolonged medical care, all of which contribute immensely to its social and economic burden. For many, it means disfiguring and troublesome skin conditions
and ulcers in the legs. Despite the frequency and the exasperating nature of venous insufficiency, it is a largely under-diagnosed and under-treated condition. Yet, when identified and treated appropriately, the complications can be controlled, if not eliminated.

This accessible text offers clear cut explanations of the causes of venous insufficiency and of the symptoms and findings that point to the diagnosis. It is designed to ease the labor-intensive burden of managing the results of venous insufficiency in the office practice while describing interventions that the patient and / or caregiver can apply at home.
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