Biomarkers in Cardiovascular Disease

  • ISBN 9780323548359
  • Author: Nambi
  • Publ Date: 2018-11-26
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Get a quick, expert overview of the ways in which biomarkers can be used to assess and guide the management of cardiovascular disease in the clinical setting. This concise, clinically-focused resource by Dr. Vijay Nambi consolidates today's available information on this rapidly changing topic into one convenient resource, making it an ideal, easy-to-digest reference for cardiology practitioners, fellows, and residents.

Covers lab standards and statistical interpretation of biomarkers with a clinical focus.
Discusses relevant conditions such as hypertension and diabetes as key markers of injury and prognosis.
Includes current information on biomarkers to assess and guide the management of heart failure, acute coronary syndrome, chest pain, shortness of breath, and more.
Concludes the book with a timely chapter on how biomarkers may guide cardiologists in the future.
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