Broken Bones: Mei and the Monkey Bars

  • ISBN 9781009440899
  • Author: Baimas-George, Maria (Carolinas Medical Center, Ch
  • Publ Date: 2024-02-15
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

Sale: $19.57
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Broken Bones: Mei and the Monkey Bars describes the experience of breaking a bone, from the injury, to the hospital visit, to treatment through the story of a young girl named Mei, who breaks her arm after falling from the monkey bars. Written in easy to understand language with vibrant illustration, this fun and hopeful book teaches children and their families all about the common occurrence of breaking a bone in childhood, to improve understanding and calm fears. To supplement conversations with doctors, the book provides a glossary of common words you'll hear doctors use through treatment. Other important information is included in a 'Facts' section, covering bone and fracture facts, types of broken bones, and tips for treating broken bones and taking care of your cast. This informative and enjoyable book is part of the series The Strength of My Scars, written and illustrated by surgeon, Maria Baimas-George.
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