Human Gross Anatomy

  • ISBN 9781451187403
  • Author: Olinger
  • Publ Date: 2015-06-24
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Detailed enough for use as an atlas and concise enough for efficient review, Human Gross Anatomy provides concentrated coverage of anatomy that promotes learning rather than rote memorization. Clear, high quality cadaveric photographs and explanatory diagrams are presented side by side with to-the-point bulleted explanations to help anatomy students develop a true understanding of each anatomical structure. Addressing current curricula trends with a systemic approach to anatomy, consistently covered within regional chapters to reflect the structure used in dissection labs, this practical, user-friendly book highlights important muscle information through Action Boxes and uses color-coded labels for origin, insertion, and innervation. The book is ideal for anatomy students in medical, osteopathic, dental, physical therapy, chiropractic, physician assistant, and nurse practitioner programs.
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