Orthopedics, An Issue of Anesthesiology

  • ISBN 9780323613729
  • Author: Edward, Elkassabany
  • Publ Date: 2018-09-14
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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This issue of Anesthesiology Clinics, edited by Dr. Nabil Elkassabany and Dr. Edward Mariano, focuses on Regional Anesthesia, with topics including: Current evidence related to regional analgesia and hip surgery; Updates on billing and coding and establishing an acute pain service in private practice; Establishing a home catheter program for orthopedic surgery in pediatric patients or more broadly: updates on regional anesthesia for pediatric orthopedic surgery; Enhanced recovery after shoulder arthroplasty; Perioperative management of patient on opioid agonist antagonist therapy; Outcome metrics to be considered for regional anesthesia and acute pain medicine; Updates on multimodal analgesia (intransal ketorolac, IV acetmenophen, newer NSAIDS) for orthopedic surgery; Updates in enhanced recovery pathway for knee replacement versus updates outpatient knee replacement; Updates on new technology for regional anesthesia (peripheral nerve stimulators and cryotherapy); and Regional anesthesia and analgesia for the poly trauma patients.
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