Molecular Bases of Anesthesia

  • ISBN 9780849385551
  • Author: MOODY
  • Publ Date: 2000-12-28
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Molecular Bases of Anesthesia provides a clear overview of the state of knowledge about anesthetic mechanisms at the molecular level of occurrence and focusing on the latest state-of-the-art techniques that relate to how anesthetic drugs cause unconsciousness. With contributions by leading experts, this timely book includes chapters on how to evaluate theories of anesthesia in general and includes discussion of some of the techniques, such as genetics, that can be used to address problems. Also discussed are anesthetic actions at major brain targets with a special emphasis on ion channels and areas of controversy in the field. This reference provides a broad survey of anesthetic actions, including hyperbaric pressure and anesthesia; volatile anesthetic interactions with proteins; and structure activity relationships of volatile anesthetics. Molecular Bases of Anesthesia stands alone as an in-depth, authoritative guide.
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