Emergencies in Anaesthesia

  • ISBN 9780198758143
  • Author: ALLMAN
  • Publ Date: 2020-09-24
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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The third edition of Emergencies in Anaesthesia is a practical, accessible guide to all emergency situations encountered during, and immediately following, anaesthesia. Re-structured to follow the ABCDE emergency approach, this handbook guides the clinician through what to do and when, in a format that can be used rapidly. In each chapter, topics are ordered alphabetically for ease of navigation and management is presented in a checklist format. Symbols are
used to indicate clinical severity ranging from life-threatening to minor, and the book includes drug dosages, infusion regimes, and key algorithms for quick reference. Reflecting best practice, the third
edition includes new frameworks for emergency management and new material on human factors.
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