Dr Podcast Scripts for the Primary FRCA

  • ISBN 9781107401013
  • Author: Leslie, Rebecca A.
  • Publ Date: 2011-05-05
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Dr Podcast (www.dr-podcast.com) is a great way to revise for the FRCA exams and has been met with widespread enthusiasm from candidates. It provides podcasts of questions and model answers with no redundant material. Dr Podcast scripts are now available in print format. Containing the scripts of all 90 individual podcasts from the Dr Podcast Primary FRCA collection, they also include diagrams the reader can draw to explain their answers. They cover the entire syllabus for the Primary FRCA, allowing the readers to experience the style of the questions likely to be asked and providing tips on how to excel in the exam. Each podcast is written by a successful candidate who has insight and experience of the exam, and all material has been reviewed by experienced consultants with detailed knowledge of the educational standards. For those preparing for the Primary FRCA exams, Dr Podcast scripts are a must.
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