Anesthesia,Sedation amp; Pain Control

  • ISBN 9780323755504
  • Author: Hamrick,Ing
  • Publ Date: 2019-10-30
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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In collaboration with Consulting Editor, Dr. Lucky Jain, Drs. Hamrick and Ing have put together a comprehensive issue that provides current information of anesthesia, sedation, and pain control in the NICU and for mothers. Clinical review articles are devoted to the following topics: Anesthesia neurotoxicity in the developing brain: Basic studies; Anesthesia neurotoxicity: Update on clinical studies; Neurologic Injury after neonatal cardiac surgery; Effect of repetitive pain on developing brain and physiology of nociception; Sedation/pain control in the NICU; Assessment of Pain in the Newborn; Non-pharmacologic Approaches to Pain Management; Epidurals/spinals for newborn surgery; Neonatal airway management; Effects of maternal anesthesia on perinatal hemodynamics and neonatal acidemia; Maternal anesthesia for urgent c-section; Fetal anesthesia; Neonatal abstinence syndrome (Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome); and Opioid crisis in the US: Maternal management. Readers will come away with the information they need to provide better care to the neonate and mothers and improve outcomes.
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