The Psychological and Social Impact of Chronic Illness and Disability

  • ISBN 9780826151124
  • Author: Marini, Irmo
  • Publ Date: 2023-08-31
  • Edition: 8
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Reflects the most significant and fundamental shifts in the experience of disability in human history

With the release of its eighth edition, this bestselling text remains the most comprehensive and current text addressing the psychological and social issues dealt with by persons with disabilities. The new edition is almost completely rewritten and expanded by expert voices in disability and rehabilitation policy, research, and lived experience. It presents many new chapters covering topics such as disability identity, the impact of US laws and policies, the impact of micro-aggressions and discrimination, applications of well-being and positive psychology, and mental health implications of social media usage for people with disabilities. The eighth edition also includes new Personal Perspectives from individuals with various disabilities.

The text provides an informed, critical, and engaging exploration of the impact of chronic illness and disability (CID) for a wide range of students, educators, and professionals who work with this population. It delivers a comprehensive understanding of CID topics ranging from the impact of law and policies, social justice issues, personal and professional rehabilitation, and the psychosocial experiences of CID. The book continues to investigate a diverse range of topics, from the historical and cultural perspectives on illness and disability to the personal, familial, and social impacts of disability. Chapters include Learning Objectives, Pre-reading Questions, Class Activities, and Case Studies with accompanying Discussion Questions to promote engagement. Instructors will also have access to the Instructor Manual, Test Bank, and chapter PowerPoints. Purchase includes online access via most mobile devices or computers.

New to the Eighth Edition:

Extensively rewritten and updated with expert voices in disability and rehabilitation policy and research
Brand new chapters on disability identity, the impact of US laws and policies, the impact of micro-aggressions and discrimination, and more
New Personal Perspectives from persons who have lived with various disabilities
New Class Activities to help reinforce content

Key Features:

Presents the most comprehensive and diverse coverage of psychosocial aspects of disability of any text
Addresses how people with CID have been viewed and treated throughout history and examines the changes and developments over the past decade
Provides a bridge between theory and practice with abundant narratives
Includes Learning Objectives, Pre-reading Questions, and Case Studies with Discussion Questions to enhance learning
Delivers a comprehensive instructor package including Instructor Manual, Test Bank, and chapter PowerPoints
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