Motivational Interviewing, Fourth Edition: Helping People Change and Grow

  • ISBN 9781462552795
  • Author: Miller, William R.
  • Publ Date: 2023-10-02
  • Edition: 4
  • Binding: Hardback

Sale: $140.87
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*A to Z revision of the seminal bestseller (over 450,000 in print); the bible of a proven, highly effective therapeutic technique.
*Virtually all-new, the book extends MI to more fields, yet is 25% shorter and has less technical jargon.
*Popular worldwide--clinical reference sales are supplemented by heavy text use and workshop-driven demand from numerous MI trainings.
*Broad market--originally developed for treating addictions, the approach is now widely used throughout mental health and health care specialties.
*More than just preparing people to change behavior, MI helps people continue to grow; examples and sample dialogues show MI in action.
*Chapter summaries, lists of key concepts, and "Personal Perspective" and "For Therapists" boxes aid in learning.
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