Essentials of Men's Health

  • ISBN 9781260135886
  • Author: Bhasin, Shalender
  • Publ Date: 2020-10-09
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Introducing a comprehensive, interdisciplinary textbook on male health issues
Essentials of Men's Health is a timely new resource that focuses on the pathophysiologic basis of major men's health problems. The text is enhanced by evidence-based algorithms for disease management, and integrated models of patient-centered treatments. Clinicians will find valuable guidance on how to optimize workflow, patient education tools, consistent with current trends in healthcare delivery. Essentials of Men's Health is authored by a roster of international experts in primary care, endocrinology, andrology, and urology.
The book is divided into five sections: Physiology of the Male Reproductive System, Androgen Disorders, Sexual Dysfunction in Men, Fertility Regulation and Infertility, and Urologic Disorders in Primary Care
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