Client Education: Theory and Practice

  • ISBN 9780763774127
  • Author: Mary A. Miller
  • Publ Date: 2010-03-22
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Client Education: Theory and Practice focuses on health education and the role of health care providers, especially nurses, in working with clients such as individuals, families and groups, in health care institutions and community health settings. It addresses the need for health education; the learning process; principles of learning; assessing readiness, abilities and needs of clients across the age span; working with culturally diverse clients; preparing a framework for teaching to include analyzing assessment data; selecting teaching strategies and materials; implementing a plan; and evaluating learning by assessing client compliance and evaluating teaching effectiveness. Each chapter includes a sample client-based teaching plan that incorporates the theory presented to help students understand and apply their knowledge.
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