The Vaccine Handbook

  • ISBN 9780190604776
  • Author: TAN
  • Publ Date: 2017-03-30
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Vaccines are among modern medicine's greatest triumphs, but popular misunderstandings about vaccines and the communicable diseases they prevent threaten to undo more than a century's worth of progress in public health. Pediatricians, infectious disease specialists, OB/GYN physicians, internists, and family practitioners thus must make patient education about vaccines a routine part of preventative care. THE VACCINE HANDBOOK is a one-stop resource for clinicians
whose practices involve administering vaccines. At-a-glance immunization schedules, scripts for addressing patient concerns, and frequently asked questions at the end of each section prepare practitioners
to meet challenges such as vaccine hesitancy, correct dosing, and the timing of "catch-up" immunizations with confidence. Covering every clinical scenario from routine childhood immunizations to specialty vaccines for international travel, THE VACCINE HANDBOOK is an essential reference for any preventive care provider.FEATURES* Charts and tables summarizing immunization schedules, proper dosing and storage, and
contraindications for commonly used vaccines for quick and easy reference* Vaccination guidelines tailored to special circumstances such as pregnancy, international travel, patients' immunization history, and
workplace hazards* Patient education tools including links to reliable online resources and strategies for framing discussions about the benefit of vaccination
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