Sleep Problems in Children and Adolescents

  • ISBN 9780199296149
  • Author: STORES
  • Publ Date: 2009-02-21
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback

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Sleep problems in children and adolescents are very common and often the cause of concern and distress for both the child and the family. They can affect behaviour, learning and sometimes physical health. There are many possible causes for sleep problems, some psychological, others physical, and this book will help you to identify and explain problems in your own child, leading you to the appropriate advice or treatment as necessary. The book starts by explaining the importance and nature of sleep and the changes that occur as your child grows up. It then describes why children may not sleep well at different ages from babyhood to adolescence, the causes of being excessively sleepy during the day, and the types of unusual behaviours or experiences that a child can have at night. The various types of treatment needed for these problems are explained. The later chapters discuss those children who are especially liable to have sleep problems, the ways in which sleep problems may be mistaken for other conditions, the ways in which unsatisfactory sleep can be spotted at home and at school, and how to get help for your child's disturbed sleep.
Throughout the book, cases are described to illustrate how children with various sleep disorders have been correctly diagnosed and treated. The book is intended to raise awareness of the importance of children's sleep disorders, as well as their recognition and treatment. It is written mainly for parents but will also be of interest to anyone involved in the care and welfare of children.
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