Prevention Practice in Primary Care

  • ISBN 9780195373011
  • Publ Date: 2013-11-28
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Amid the ongoing changes in how health care is administered and financed, prevention-oriented care is a critical and cost-effective method for improving population health through primary care. As the key figure in promoting patients' health and prevention of disease, the primary care provider can play a major role in patient engagement, self-management, and behavior change. Prevention Practice in Primary Care systematically explores
state-of-the-art practical approaches to effective prevention in primary care. Guided by theory and evidence, the book reviews approaches to risk factor identification and modification for the major causes of
mortality in adulthood, including cancer, stroke, and cardiovascular disease.Topical coverage in this book includes: * the practical applications of genomics and proteomics to personalizing prevention * transformative approaches to practice change, including the patient-centered medical home, academic detailing, and practice facilitation* Engaging self-management and behavior change using counseling tools (goal
setting, assessing the stage of change, motivational interviewing, and the five A's) Prevention Practice in Primary Care is a vital, practical guidebook for the implementation of evidence-based
prevention to improve patient health. Brief, simple summaries and innovative content make it book a valuable reference for busy practitioners and students alike.
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