Health and Inequality

  • ISBN 9780415633925
  • Author: Tod, Angela M.
  • Publ Date: 2014-04-17
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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How can research on the social determinants of health be translated into real life public health practice? Challenging the research-practice gap, this text shows readers from a range of professions how their practice can help to minimise health inequalities. The social model of health embraces individual lifestyles, social and community networks, socio-economic, political and cultural influences and the plethora of factors that can impact on public health, for instance, education, work, welfare benefits, environment, housing, health and social care. All of these can have a significant effect on people's experiences of health and well-being, and are often unrecognised sources of health inequalities.

This innovative textbook outlines and discusses key public health principles and the social model of health. Drawing on a range of case studies and the international literature, it looks at how public health research has been applied to policy and practice. The book discusses the transferability that these findings have had and their capacity to influence and provide evidence for practice. Health and Inequality covers a broad range of social determinants of health, encountered throughout the life-course, including:

Pre-birth and early years

Breastfeeding and teenage mothers

Health inequalities for mothers and babies in prison

Children in full time education

Sexuality, relationships and sexual health of young people

Early adulthood

Welfare rights and health benefits

Women, employment and well-being

Adults in later life

Practical and clearly structured, this text will be useful to a range of health and social care professionals involved in public health work, particularly those undertaking courses on public health, health promotion or the social determinants of health.
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