Curriculum for Culturally Responsive Health Care

  • ISBN 9781846192944
  • Author: Ring, Jeffrey
  • Publ Date: 2008-08-20
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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This is a creative comprehensive and user-friendly manual comprising a curriculum for residencies and medical schools looking to implement new or enhance existing curricula in culturally responsive care. It meticulously describes teaching strategies that will prove engaging to learners and faculty alike challenging them to grow in their attitudes awareness desire knowledge and skills to effectively practice culturally responsive medicine. It demonstrates commitment to teaching culturally responsive medicine towards the elimination of health disparities be they related to gender race/ethnicity income sexual orientation religious background or world view. The manual includes a step-by-step guide for each year of the curriculum with detailed session descriptions and sections on teaching techniques evaluation tools cultural competence exercises together with information on further resources. The curriculum provides a solid foundation upon which educational programs can build as they evolve to meet the needs of patients and their communities toward preventing and treating illness and improving access to excellence in medical care.
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