Chlorinated Solvent and DNAPL Remediation

  • ISBN 9780841237933
  • Author: HENRY
  • Publ Date: 2003-03-01
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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This work addresses remediation of chlorinated solvents and dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) in groundwater and discusses remedial alternatives that are available for subsurface cleanup. The book focuses primarily on technological developments and innovative applications for in situ remediation of chlorinated solvents including DNAPLs in soil and groundwater. However, it also provides a general overview of all of the physical, chemical, and biological processes available for in situ remediation of groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents and DNAPLs. Chapters discuss surfactant flushing to enhance DNAPL removal; in situ chemical destruction by reduction processes involving zero valent iron or related metals; in situ chemical destruction by advanced oxidation processes; and in situ biological destruction by enhanced anaerobic bioremediation or natural bioattenuation.
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