Emotional Healing and Self-esteem: Inner-life Skills of Relaxation, Visualisation and Meditation for Children and Adolescents

  • ISBN 9781843102243
  • Author: Pearson, Mark
  • Publ Date: 2004-01-15
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback

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How can we build children's self-esteem and sense of well being? This book aims to guide teachers, youth workers, counsellors and parents through a range of accessible personal development exercises for children and adolescents, introducing relaxation, visualisation and meditation skills. There are step-by-step guidelines for planning, presenting and integrating inner-life skills programs in-group work as well as family and group communication games. Readers will learn new methods for teaching relaxation and quiet inner focus, movement meditations, and exercises that develop emotional, spiritual and intellectual awareness and self-esteem. These exercises aim to help students gain new-found creativity, a language to articulate their feelings, and skills for attaining a calm and balanced outlook.
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